Saturday, 3 May 2014

What The F*ck! - V8-2000hp

That's right 2000 rampaging horses from a V8, ladies and gents this is the insane world of the Trion Nemesis! Let's be clear straight away, Trion are only at the concept stage (CAD modelling) but it is a good start, I personally dislike most US supercars because they look terrible, I have images in my head of a US super/hyper car designer that only has a pencil and a protractor with straight edged shapes, square, triangle, etc, but the Trion looks the business, (just smooth out the 3/4 rear intake panel please!).
I wish Trion all the best, the SC/HC arena is a tough cookie to crack, just think of the competition, so you are going to need "Big Kahunas" to even get the project off the ground so I am hoping that I see a test review by "Autocar/Top Gear magazine" sometime soon?
"Big Kahunas"
Definition: literally big balls, figuratively a man who has big kahunas has a lot of nerve, is brave, a risk taker, has a lot of testosterone.


  1. Whoa! If this happens it will be a true widow-maker!

  2. Wow what an awesome concept - can't wait to see this in real life - you can do it Trion
