Monday, 17 February 2014

Never Give Up!

I watched my favourite show last night, Top Gear, love it and yes I am one of those sad people who watch the re-runs on 'Dave' I cannot get enough! Last nights show featured the Zenvo ST1, an unknown Danish auto manufacturer who has tried its hand at making a hypercar. Well, the ingredients are right, 6.8-litre, 1,104bhp, 233mph four-wheeled monster, however the execution as seen on TG last night was not what was expected. On reflection I think it is easy to put the boot in and say, "you have built Frankenstein's monster", but I don't want to do that, what I want to say is "don't give up", because it takes real courage to design and Engineer a car that wants to compete with Lamborghini and Pagani. We want, we need another obscure hypercar manufacturer, a manufacturer that meets all 6 of the hyper car pillars (Blog post 1).

So, Mr. Zenvo Automotive, keep going, don't give up and aim for the very top, aim for the Lamborghini's, McLaren's, Pagani's, Ferrari's of this world, as a world without difference is quite frankly rather boring!


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